Affiliated Associations, Sub-Organizations

Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase

Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase

Cantonese opera is one of the most important performing arts in the Lingnan region. In the middle of the last century, Cantonese opera took root and flourished in Hong Kong. However, due to the impact of the film and television media and the lack of attention from the colonial government, the number of performances was drastically reduced by the end of last century. Through the tremendous efforts exerted by various parties after the handover in 1997, Cantonese opera was brought back to life and was included in the UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009. Despite the various difficulties and challenges that Cantonese opera has experienced throughout its development journey in Hong Kong, we are glad to see that it has now been recognized by people from all walks of life. In fact, Cantonese opera is not just a native art worthy of preservation and inheritance, but is also a carrier of traditional Chinese culture and literature. As a professional organization for the art practitioners of Cantonese opera, CAAHK has an unshirkable responsibility for the inheritance of Cantonese opera. In particular, we have always adhered to and uphold the Orthodoxy and spirit of Cantonese opera. Since 2012, the CAAHK has received invaluable support from the Cantonese Opera Development Fund and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to become the venue partner of the Yau Ma Tei Theatre and launch the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase. Up until now (2021), more than 150 new talents in Cantonese opera were able to learn from a group of famous performers in Cantonese opera (including: Mr. Li Chi-kei Danny, Mr. Yuen Siu-fai, Mr. Law Ka-ying, Mr. Sun Kim-long, Mr. Lung Koon-tin, as well as Ms. Wan Fai-yin, Mr. Wong Chiu-kwan, Ms. Chan Ka-ming, Mr. Ng Chin-fung who have joined in recent years). Through a systematic teaching approach, the art of Cantonese opera was able to passed on to future generations. In addition to the new talents who perform on the stage, the programme also comprehensively trains talents in various production units, including musicians, costumes, backgrounds, and technicians and administrative personnel who perform different roles in the backstage. In the past nine years, the new talents have received more than 4,600 hours of training and participated in over 900 performances (including: 700 main performances, 60 student performances, 40 promotional performances, and 100 tourist shows). Among the numerous performances, over 160 plays were staged. In terms of training, the COA has provided diversified courses for young talents in areas such as singing, basic skills, Nanpai Hongquan (Southern Fist), gongs and drums in Cantonese opera, martial arts for Huadan (female role), music theory, Tai Chi sword class, knowledge in playing minor roles, etc. The programme also arranged the new talents to visit different opera troupes, such as Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe (Shanghai Yue Opera) and Chongqing Sichuan Opera Company (Sichuan Opera). Meanwhile, national first-class performers were also invited to come to Hong Kong and provide guidance to our new talents. The performers included Ms. Wei Chunfang and Ms. Hong Ying who specialize in Shanghai Yue Opera and Mr. Luo Jilong who is a renowned actor in Sichuan Opera, etc. In addition to the training of new talents, we have also recruited many new practitioners in the taking up the roles of extras, stage supervisors (floor managers), music bands, costumes and settings, etc., so as to ensure that Cantonese opera can be inherited in all directions. After nine years of tremendous efforts, we are very pleased to see that many new talents have developed their expertise. While being adored by audiences from all walks of life, many of them have been hired by various troupe leaders. Hence, the significance of this plan is in fact self-evident.