About Us Milestones

The important events in the milestones of the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong (CAAHK) since its establishment in 1953

Download List of Past Important Events
  • 2020-2024

    • Council Development
      2022年12月 鑑於新冠疫情緣故,2020至2022年的歲晚福利日、春茗停辦。由於政府放寬防疫措施,理事會決定復辦2022年壬寅年歲晚福利日、2023年癸卯年新春團拜午宴
    • Council Development
      2022年11月 油麻地戲院場地伙伴計劃首度舉辦「學生專場—粵劇教育工作坊」英語場,並與諾丁漢大學馬來西亞分校現場實時同步觀賞折子戲及合唱
    • Council Development
      2022年11月 主席汪明荃博士榮獲金紫荊星章以表揚其在粵劇發展的貢獻
    • Council Development
      2022年10月 劉惠鳴理事出任新一屆香港藝術發展局【戲曲界】委員
    • Council Development
      2022年10月 油麻地戲院場地伙伴計劃首次與香港中文大學藝術行政主任辦公室合作,於大學的「逸夫堂」舉辦大專導賞場 《帝女花》
    • Council Development
      2022年9月 在汪明荃主席穿針引線下,八和獲善長馮瑞蘭女士捐贈善款4百萬元
    • Council Development
      2022年8月 行政長官李家超先生出任第三十九屆理事會的名譽贊助人
    • Council Development
      2022年7月 派發第五輪及第六輪 「藝術文化界資助計劃」補遺資助
    • Council Development
      2022年6月 籌備及演出2022年中國戲曲節開幕節目「江湖十八本」之《七賢眷》
    • Council Development
      2022年5月 協助神功戲主辦團體,向食物及環境衛生局(現為醫務衞生局) 爭取加快審理搭建戲棚的牌照申請
    • Council Development
      2022年4月 《八和頻道:粵劇網上學堂》的觀眾觀賞次數已超過130萬
    • Council Development
      2022年3月 與諾丁漢大學馬來西亞分校簽訂交流合作備忘錄
    • Council Development
      2022年2月 派發第五輪及第六輪 「藝術文化界資助計劃」資助
    • Council Development
      2022年1月 主席汪明荃博士成功向民政事務局爭取第五輪及第六輪 「藝術文化界資助計劃」補遺資助
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      香港八和會館、八和粵劇學院與諾丁漢大學 簽署交流合作備忘錄 共同於國際推廣粵劇藝術
    • Council Development
      8 December 2021 - Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lunar Year-End Welfare Day 2020 and Spring Lunch 2021 were cancelled. In view of the relatively stable epidemic situation, the 39th Council decided to resume the Lunar Year-End Welfare Day 2021 and Spring Lunch 2022
    • Social Welfare
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
    • Training and Promotion
      22 October 2021 –"Forty Years of Cherished Love", a performance of the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase, was held as a guided show at the City University of Hong Kong for the first time
      22 October 2021 –"Forty Years of Cherished Love", a performance of the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase, was held as a guided show at the City University of Hong Kong for the first time
    • Social Welfare
      1 September 2021 - The Cantonese Opera Academy (COA) of Hong Kong organized the activity of Correctional Services Department: Understanding Chinese Cultural through Educational Activities - Cantonese Opera Experimental Class
      1 September 2021 - The Cantonese Opera Academy (COA) of Hong Kong organized the activity of Correctional Services Department: Understanding Chinese Cultural through Educational Activities - Cantonese Opera Experimental Class
    • Social Welfare
      17 August 2021 - Dr. Wang Ming-chuen Liza, Chairman of the 39th Council, wrote a letter to Professor Chan Siu-chee Sophia, Secretary for Food and Health, and successfully strived for free professional swab sampling for performers of Cantonese opera
    • Social Welfare
      12 July 2021 – Commenced the distribution of the 5th round of Anti-Epidemic Fund - Cantonese Opera Sector Support Scheme
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      23 June 2021 - The Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase 2021 – 22 began performance and entered into the 10th anniversary
      23 June 2021 - The Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase 2021 – 22 began performance and entered into the 10th anniversary
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      30 May 2021 - Mr. Lung Koon-tin, Vice Chairman of the 39th Council, was awarded the 15th Artist of the Year (Xiqu)
    • Social Welfare
      1 April 2021 - The Home Affairs Bureau responded to the open letter and promulgated the epidemic prevention measures to be followed upon resumption of San Gung Hei(神功戲)
    • Social Welfare
      18 March 2021 - Dr. Wang Ming-chuen Liza, Chairman of the 39th Council, wrote an open letter entitled Rescue World-Class Intangible Cultural Heritage - Save Traditional Cantonese opera (San Gung Hei)from the Crisis of Interruption to Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor Carrie, Chief Executive of the HKSAR
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      1 March 2021 - Barwo Channel - Online Classroom of Cantonese Opera was officially launched
      1 March 2021 - Barwo Channel - Online Classroom of Cantonese Opera was officially launched
    • Social Welfare
      21 February 2021 - Commenced the distribution of the subsidy under the Arts and Culture Sector Subsidy Scheme 4.0 ($7,500)
      21 February 2021 - Commenced the distribution of the subsidy under the Arts and Culture Sector Subsidy Scheme 4.0 ($7,500)
    • Social Welfare
      4 February 2021 – Commenced the distribution of the 4th round of Anti-Epidemic Fund - Cantonese Opera Sector Support Scheme
      4 February 2021 – Commenced the distribution of the 4th round of Anti-Epidemic Fund - Cantonese Opera Sector Support Scheme
    • Social Welfare
      January 2021 – Distributed the subsidy under the Anti-epidemic Fund 3.0
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      29 November 2020 - Mr. Mak Hei-wah and Ms. Lee Ching-yan Ruby, graduates of COA, were invited by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to perform the Zit Zi Hei (折子戲) " Daa Gam Zi" (Chastising the Princess 打金枝) on Cantonese Opera Day
    • Council Development
      13 November 2020 - The performance "Grand Birthday Celebration at Mount hoeng Faa" for the celebration of Wah Kwong Festival cum Inauguration Ceremony of the 39th Board of Directors was successfully held at the Ko Shan Theatre. Solicitor Liu Sung-lee Bruce was invited as the officiating guest at the inauguration ceremony of the 39th Board of Directors.
      13 November 2020 - The performance "Grand Birthday Celebration at Mount hoeng  Faa" for the celebration of Wah Kwong Festival cum Inauguration Ceremony of the 39th Board of Directors was successfully held at the Ko Shan Theatre. Solicitor Liu Sung-lee Bruce was invited as the officiating guest at the inauguration ceremony of the 39th Board of Directors.
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      8 - 9, 16 - 18 October 2020 - The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court was staged at Tuen Mun City Hall and Hong Kong Cultural Centre. The Association was honoured to be invited by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to perform traditional Cantonese opera performances of "The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court", "Eight Immortals Bestowing Longevity", "Blessing of Promotion "and "The Heavenly Maiden Delivers Her Son to the Mortal Father "as well as "Paai Coeng Zit Zi Hei (排場折子戲) "of "Sit Ping Gwai Leaving His Humble Abode", "Trapped in Calabash Valley ", "A Blood Oath Sworn in the Grotto ", "General Kwan Guards the Wah Jung Pass ", "Chen Gung Chastising Cou Cou from White Gate Tower ", " Pun Gam lin Seducing Her Brother-in-law ", and " Lau Gam Ding Crashes Four Gates " in Tuen Mun City Hall and Hong Kong Cultural Centre, with Mr. Sun Kim-long, Mr. Law Ka-ying, and Mr. Lung Koon-tin appointed as the artistic directors.
      8 - 9, 16 - 18 October 2020 - The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court was staged at Tuen Mun City Hall and Hong Kong Cultural Centre. The Association was honoured to be invited by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to perform traditional Cantonese opera performances of "The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court", "Eight Immortals Bestowing Longevity", "Blessing of Promotion "and "The Heavenly Maiden Delivers Her Son to the Mortal Father "as well as "Paai Coeng Zit Zi Hei (排場折子戲) "of "Sit Ping Gwai Leaving His Humble Abode",  "Trapped in Calabash Valley ", "A Blood Oath Sworn in the Grotto ", "General Kwan Guards the Wah Jung Pass ", "Chen Gung Chastising  Cou Cou  from White Gate Tower ", " Pun Gam lin Seducing Her Brother-in-law ", and " Lau Gam Ding Crashes Four Gates " in Tuen Mun City Hall and Hong Kong Cultural Centre, with Mr. Sun Kim-long, Mr. Law Ka-ying, and Mr. Lung Koon-tin appointed as the artistic directors.
    • Council Development
      14 September 2020 – Commenced the Shooting of the Barwo Channel - Online Classroom of Cantonese Opera
      14 September 2020 – Commenced the Shooting of the Barwo Channel - Online Classroom of Cantonese Opera
    • Council Development
      17 July 2020 - Dr. Wang Ming-chuen Liza, was unanimously elected as the Chairman of the 39th Board of Directors by the Mutual Election Committee. 17 July 2020 - Members of the 39th Board of Directors of the CAAHK held a mutual election meeting. Mr. Leung Shu-yin William, CPA, was appointed to scrutinize the votes. 29 members voted among themselves to elect the new Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Association as well as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of each sub-committee. Dr. Wang Ming-chuen Liza was re-elected for the 8th time (i.e. elected for the ninth time) as the Chairman of the CAAHK. In addition, Mr. Lung Koon-tin, Mr. Yuen Siu-fai, Mr. Ng Chin-fung, and Mr. Sun Kim-long were elected as the Vice-Chairmen.
    • Council Development
      title: 11 July 2020 - Following the 2020 Annual General Meeting, the CAAHK immediately held the 39th Board election. The 29 members of the new Board of Directors were successfully elected, with the result of the vote count verified under the supervision of Solicitor Liu Sung-lee Bruce, legal counsel of the Association. The list of directors of the 39th Board of Directors is as follows (in order of strokes): Ms. Wong Chiu-kwan, Ms. Wong Kit-ching, Mr. Ng Chin-fung, Mr. Ng Lap-hei, Ms. Li Pui-yan, Mrs. To Wai Sau-ming Marilyn, Dr. Wang Ming-chuen Liza, Mr. Yuen Siu-fai, Mr. Lam Hak-fai, Ms. Lam Kwan-ling, Mr. Hong Hai, Mr. Ko Yun-hung, Ms. Leung Sum-yee, Mr. Liang Zhaoming, Ms. Chan Wing-yee, Mr. Chan Wing-kwei, Mr. Chan Hung-chun, Mr. Wong Chi-kwong, Mr. Sun Kim-long, Mr. Wan Yuk-yu, Ms. Lau Wai-ming, Mr. Tsai Chin-wei, Ms. Tang Mi-ling, Mr. Lai Yiu-wai, Mr. Lung Koon-tin, Ms. Tse Suet-sum, Mr. Kwong Bing-chuen, Mr. Law Ka-ying, and Mr. Tam Siu-wai.
    • Council Development
      11 July 2020 - The CAAHK scheduled to hold the Annual General Meeting at Eaton Hotel on 11 July 2020 (Saturday), followed by the 39th Board election. A total of 188 members attended the meeting.
    • Social Welfare
      23 April – 7 May 2020 – The 1st round of subsidy under the Anti-Epidemic Fund - Cantonese Opera Sector Support Scheme was distributed to members of the industry at the COA from 23 April to 5 May. The subsidy was first distributed to members of CAAHK, followed by practitioners who were not CAAHK members. Application for the subsidy scheme was managed by a working group consisted ten members before submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval.
  • 2010-2020

    • Training and Promotion
      2017 - Training courses in Cantonese opera were offered in primary schools operated by Po Leung Kuk
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2017 - Organized Celebrating the Reunification with Cantonese Opera Classics, a performance to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Reunification with the Motherland
      2017 - Organized Celebrating the Reunification with Cantonese Opera Classics, a performance to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Reunification with the Motherland
    • Council Development
      2016 – Changed the constitution. The term of the Board of Directors changed from two to three years
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2016 – Set up art courses on Cantonese opera at The Education University of Hong Kong
    • Training and Promotion
      2016 - Students of COA participated in an exchange tour sponsored by Tsinghua University
      2016 - Students of COA participated in an exchange tour sponsored by Tsinghua University
    • Training and Promotion
      2014 – The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Youth Exchange Programme on Cantonese Opera Art recruited over 70 participants from the three regions
    • Training and Promotion
      2013 - A group of 50 students from the Youth Cantonese Opera Actors Class of COA visited the Guangdong Cantonese Opera Academy in Foshan, Guangzhou, for exchange of learning
      2013 - A group of 50 students from the Youth Cantonese Opera Actors Class of COA visited the Guangdong Cantonese Opera Academy in Foshan, Guangzhou, for exchange of learning
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2013 – Students of the COA performed at the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Xiqu Centre in the West Kowloon Cultural District
      2013 – Students of the COA performed at the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Xiqu  Centre in  the West Kowloon Cultural District
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2021 - Dr. Wang Ming-chuen Liza, Chairman, wrote a letter to Mr. TSANG Tak-sing, Secretary for Home Affairs, about her concern on the contract renewal of the Sun Beam Theatre. Later, the Sun Beam Theatre was successfully leased to Mr. Lee Kui-ming
    • Training and Promotion
      2012 - At the official opening of the Yau Ma Tei Theatre, the CAAHK was responsible for the performances at the opening ceremony and launched a total of 200 performances together with the Taste of Hong Kong's Intangible Cultural Heritage.
      2012 - At the official opening of the Yau Ma Tei Theatre, the CAAHK was responsible for the performances at the opening ceremony and launched a total of 200 performances together with the Taste of Hong Kong's Intangible Cultural Heritage.
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2012 - Organized the West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre. "Prime Minister of Six States " , "Contention for Command ", "A Maid Commander-in-chief and a Rash" , " Golden Phoenix and Silver Dragon Celebrating the New Year " (Happy Marriage Achieved), and " The Sassy Princess" were performed for four consecutive evenings
      2012 - Organized the West Kowloon Bamboo Theatre. "Prime Minister of Six States " ,  "Contention for Command ", "A Maid Commander-in-chief and a Rash" , " Golden Phoenix and Silver Dragon Celebrating the New Year " (Happy Marriage Achieved), and " The Sassy Princess" were performed for four consecutive evenings
    • Training and Promotion
      2011 - Ms. Cai Yanxiang, a famous Cantonese opera actress in Malaysia, arrived in Hong Kong to direct master classes and lectures
      2011 - Ms. Cai Yanxiang, a famous Cantonese opera actress in Malaysia, arrived in Hong Kong to direct master classes and lectures
    • Training and Promotion
      2011 - Approved to be the venue partner of the Yau Ma Tei Theatre. Planned the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase and selected new talents
      2011 - Approved to be the venue partner of the Yau Ma Tei Theatre. Planned the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase and selected new talents
    • Training and Promotion
      2011 - Set up art courses on Cantonese opera at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
      2011 - Set up art courses on Cantonese opera at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2011 - Co-organized the Australian Cultural Exchange Programme with the Cantonese Opera Research Programme of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Performed "Naa Zaa: Mount KinJyun " (哪吒之乾元山) and " Writing Letter in Tears in Middle of the Night " (殘夜泣花箋) at the Golden Dragon Museum in Bendigo, Australia, and promoted Cantonese opera and the works of CAAHK to overseas audiences
    • Training and Promotion
      2010 – A Press conference was held to announce the launching of the Collaborative Cantonese Opera Teaching Project, co-organized with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lui Yun Choy Memorial College and with support from The Hong Kong Institute of Education. The activity has opened a milestone in introducing Cantonese opera courses to local schools
      2010 – A Press conference was held to announce the launching of the Collaborative Cantonese Opera Teaching Project, co-organized with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lui Yun Choy Memorial College and with support from The Hong Kong Institute of Education. The activity has opened a milestone in introducing Cantonese opera courses to local schools
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2010 - Participated in the cultural programmes of the Shanghai World Expo and performed Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Classics at the Shanghai Theatre Academy. "The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court "(玉皇登殿)and " Luk-long Reprimands His Son" (六郎罪子) were performed on the first evening, while "Towering Legends of three kingdoms "(曹操‧關羽‧貂蟬)was staged on the following evening
      2010 - Participated in the cultural programmes of the Shanghai World Expo and performed Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Classics at the Shanghai Theatre Academy. "The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court "(玉皇登殿)and " Luk-long Reprimands His Son" (六郎罪子) were performed on the first evening, while "Towering  Legends of  three kingdoms "(曹操‧關羽‧貂蟬)was staged on the following evening
    • Social Welfare
      2010 - Participated in the fund-raising charity show of Artistes 414 Fund Raising Campaign at the Hong Kong Coliseum. An additional $100,000 was donated to the victims in Qinghai
      2010 - Participated in the fund-raising charity show of Artistes 414 Fund Raising Campaign at the Hong Kong Coliseum. An additional $100,000 was donated to the victims in Qinghai
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2010 - Participated in the 2010 Hong Kong Arts Festival and prepared for the opening performance of Cantonese Opera Treasures. Shows for the first evening included "The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court", " Blessing of Promotion ", "The Heavenly Maiden Delivers Her Son to the Mortal Father ", and "Luk-long Reprimands His Son", the second evening included, "Grand Birthday Celebration at Mount hoeng Faa" and "Why Don’t You Return? ", and " Prime Minister of Six States "was performed on the third evening 2000-2010 2000-2010
      2010 - Participated in the 2010 Hong Kong Arts Festival and prepared for the opening performance of Cantonese Opera Treasures. Shows for the first evening included "The Imperial Emperor of Heaven Holding Court", " Blessing of Promotion ", "The Heavenly Maiden Delivers Her Son to the Mortal Father ", and "Luk-long Reprimands His Son", the second evening included, "Grand Birthday Celebration at Mount hoeng  Faa" and "Why Don’t You Return? ", and " Prime Minister of Six States "was performed on the third evening 2000-2010 2000-2010
  • 2000-2010

    • Council Development
      2009 - In order to keep up with the times and add a sense of vitality and vigour to the image of Cantonese opera, a new logo was adopted for CAAHK. Mr. Alan Chan, internationally renowned designer, was invited to design a new logo for the Association
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2009 - Cantonese opera was enrolled in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
      2009 - Cantonese opera was enrolled in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
    • Social Welfare
      2009 - Participated in the benefit performance of Artistes 8.8 Fund Raising Campaign held at the AsiaWorld-Expo. An additional $100,000 was donated to the Hong Kong Red Cross to help the flood victims
      2009 - Participated in the benefit performance of Artistes 8.8 Fund Raising Campaign held at the AsiaWorld-Expo. An additional $100,000 was donated to the Hong Kong Red Cross to help the flood victims
    • Council Development
      2008 - A Special Members' Meeting was held at the Sun Beam Theatre. At the meeting, the application of CAAHK to become a charity organization was approved
      2008 - A Special Members' Meeting was held at the Sun Beam Theatre. At the meeting, the application of CAAHK to become a charity organization was approved
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2008 - Participated in the 5th International Cantonese Opera Festival at the Jiangnan Theater in Guangzhou and performed "Execution of the Duke’s Second Brother"
      2008 - Participated in the 5th International Cantonese Opera Festival at the Jiangnan Theater in Guangzhou and performed "Execution of the Duke’s Second Brother"
    • Training and Promotion
      2008 - Co-organized the first screenwriter class for Cantonese opera with the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
      2008 - Co-organized the first screenwriter class for Cantonese opera with the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
    • Social Welfare
      2008 - Held a charity show entitled Together CAAHK Warms Up Sichuan to raise funds for victims of Sichuan earthquake. A total of $2,811,300 was raised
      2008 - Held a charity show entitled Together CAAHK Warms Up Sichuan to raise funds for victims of Sichuan earthquake. A total of $2,811,300 was raised
    • Council Development
      2008 - The CAAHK submitted an application for the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme to the Development Bureau and suggested revitalizing the North Kowloon Magistracy and transforming it into Barwo Cantonese Opera Cultural Center
      2008 - The CAAHK submitted an application for the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme to the Development Bureau and suggested revitalizing the North Kowloon Magistracy and transforming it into Barwo Cantonese Opera Cultural Center
    • Council Development
      2007 - The CAAHK website was launched, which has played an active role in promoting the works of the Association
      2007 - The CAAHK website was launched, which has played an active role in promoting the works of the Association
    • Social Welfare
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2007 - To commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Reunification with the Motherland, the programme of Best of Cantonese Opera Performers in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau (粵港澳名家萃) was held. While The Pear Garden - Chronicle of a Golden Age (梨園盛世), Heroes of Tang Dynasty (大唐風雲會), and Plucking the Laurels (掄才記) was performed at the Hong Kong Cultural Center, The Enchanting Melody of Tang Dynasty (大唐騷韻) was performed at Tuen Mun Town Hall and Tsuen Wan Town Hall, whereas The Pear Garden - Chronicle of a Golden Age (梨園盛世) was staged at Sha Tin Town Hall
    • Training and Promotion
      1998 – 2007 – One to two presentations by students of Cantonese opera training certificate courses were organized annually
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2005 - Once again assisted in lobbying the renewal of lease for the Sun Beam Theatre. The Cantonese opera community held a press conference named Extending the Love for Cantonese Opera at Sun Beam Theatre (新光戲院喜續粵劇緣) to announce that the landlord had agreed to renew the lease until 2009
    • Social Welfare
      2005 – Organized the fund-raising performance of Love for South Asia by CAAHK (八和愛心獻南亞) for victims of the South Asian tsunami. A total of around $3, 350, 000 was raised
      2005 – Organized the fund-raising performance of Love for South Asia by CAAHK (八和愛心獻南亞) for victims of the South Asian tsunami. A total of around $3, 350, 000 was raised
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2004 - Submit a proposal for setting up a Xiqu (Chinese Opera) Centre at the West Kowloon Arts District to the Secretary for Home Affairs and relevant departments
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2003 - Organized the Review and Prospect of Hong Kong Cantonese Opera in the Past 100 Years and Cultural Revisit of Lingnan Series (近百年香港粵劇回顧與前瞻暨文化重温嶺南風系列活動). The activities included large-scale performances, exhibitions, and seminars
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2002 - The Association held a special meeting on the issues of lease renewal for the Sun Beam Theatre and successfully lobbied the landlord to renew the lease for the Theater
      2002 - The Association held a special meeting on the issues of lease renewal for the Sun Beam Theatre and successfully lobbied the landlord to renew the lease for the Theater
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2000 - Organized tours for members of the Cantonese opera sector to participate in the Chinese Theatre Festival in Beijing and the art festival held in Nanjing
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      2000 - Strived to transform the old Yau Ma Tei Theatre into a theatre for Chinese opera (Xiqu), in which the CAAHK submitted a proposal to the Government on the development of the Yau Ma Tei Theatre
      2000 - Strived to transform the old Yau Ma Tei Theatre into a theatre for Chinese opera (Xiqu), in which the CAAHK submitted a proposal to the Government on the development of the Yau Ma Tei Theatre
  • 1990-2000

    • Council Development
      2000 - Purchased the premise next to the Association's club-house at Prospect Building in order to expand the size of the club-house
    • Training and Promotion
      1999 – Co-organized the Interdisciplinary Seminar for Cantonese Opera with the Cantonese Opera Research Project of the Department of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    • Social Welfare
      1999 – Organized the fund-raising event of Sending Warmth to Taiwan by CAAHK (八和送暖到台灣) for victims of the earthquake in Taiwan. A total of $667,610 was raised
      1999 – Organized the fund-raising event of Sending Warmth to Taiwan by CAAHK (八和送暖到台灣) for victims of the earthquake in Taiwan. A total of $667,610 was raised
    • Council Development
      1999 - Lobbied the departments in Hong Kong and the Mainland to protect the rights and interests of the local Cantonese opera industry, which stressed that San Gung Hei must be performed by local troupes
      1999 - Lobbied the departments in Hong Kong and the Mainland to protect the rights and interests of the local Cantonese opera industry, which stressed that San Gung Hei must be performed by local troupes
    • Training and Promotion
      1998 - The COA and the Academy of Performing Arts co-organize Certificate Course in Cantonese Opera Training (elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels)
    • Social Welfare
      1998 - The Cantonese Opera Academy (COA) of Hong Kong was officially opened at the Association's venue in Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok
    • Council Development
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      1997 - The production of Seven Filial Kin was staged at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to celebrate Hong Kong's Reunification with the Motherland
    • Training and Promotion
      1997 - The first internship performance of the COA's Certificate Course in Cantonese Opera Training was conducted at the Ko Shan Theatre. A total of 108 students participated in the performance
    • Council Development
      1997 - Purchased a premise in Tung Choi Street as the club-house of COA (after selling the premises in Argyle Street and Lai Chi Kok Road). Fund-raising performances were held
      1997 - Purchased a premise in Tung Choi Street as the club-house of COA (after selling the premises in Argyle Street and Lai Chi Kok Road). Fund-raising performances were held
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      1996 - Participated in the Asian Arts Festival and performed The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
    • Training and Promotion
      1996 - The COA, in collaboration with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, launched the Certificate Course in Cantonese Opera Training. The course made the first step in attaining academic recognition for Cantonese Opera training courses
      1996 - The COA, in collaboration with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, launched the Certificate Course in Cantonese Opera Training. The course made the first step in attaining academic recognition for Cantonese Opera training courses
    • Training and Promotion
      1996 - The COA was registered as The Cantonese Opera Academy of Hong Kong Limited, a non-profit organization
    • Council Development
      1994 - A donation was made to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for allocating 169 columbaria for late members of CAAHK
    • Social Welfare
      1994 - A Fund-raising Charity Show for Southern China was held for victims of the floods in the Southern China region. A total of $800, 000 was raised
      1994 - A Fund-raising Charity Show for Southern China was held for victims of the floods in the Southern China region. A total of $800, 000 was raised
    • Council Development
      1992 - Purchased a new premise at 1/F, 310 Lai Chi Kok Road as the teaching venue for the COA (the venue was named as Fong Yim-fun Hall)
    • Council Development
      1991 - With the demolition of the Lee Theatre, the Cantonese opera industry lost an important performance venue
    • Social Welfare
    • Council Development
      1991 - Sold the deteriorated elderly hostel on the 4/F, 205 Portland Street
  • 1980-1990

    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      1990 - Participated in the Guangzhou Arts Festival
    • Council Development
      1987 – Sold the old club-house at Flat B, 5/F, Lai Sing Building, Man Ming Lane, and purchased the new venue at Flat A, 4/F, Prospect Building, Man Ming Lane. The Association moved to the new venue at the end of the year
    • Council Development
      1983 - Decided that the contracts of Ritual Performances of Cantonese opera (Sun Kung Hei) in different townships would have to be signed at the CAAHK. To be able to sign the contracts, the key roles must be members of CAAHK, while the committee members must participate in the performances
    • Training and Promotion
      1982 - The first intake of students graduated from the Cantonese Opera Academy (COA). The three classes of Sun, Moon, and Stars performed at the Academic Community Hall
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      1981 - Participated in the parades and performances of the Asian Arts Festival organized by the Urban Council
  • 1970-1980

    • Training and Promotion
      1980年「香港八和會館粵劇學校」舉行開學禮:投考人數逾700人,只招收了163人1980 – The opening ceremony was held for the School of Cantonese Opera of the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong. With a total number of applicants that exceeded 700, only 163 were enrolled
    • Training and Promotion
      1979 - Determined to establish a Cantonese Opera Training Course under the name of School of Cantonese Opera of the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong. The venue at 96 Argyle Street to be used as the training venue
    • Council Development
      1978 – The club-house moved to Flat B, 6/F, Lai Shing Building, 17 Man Ming Lane, Yau Ma Tei
    • Social Welfare
      1975 – The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong Primary School opened in Lam Tin with Government subsidy
      1975 – The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong Primary School opened in Lam Tin with Government subsidy
    • Council Development
      1973 - As the sector of Cantonese opera was quiet, Chairman Sun Ma Sze Tsang donated the money he received from his Teacher's Banquet to CAAHK as welfare fund to help children of CAAHK members overcome the difficult economic environment
  • 1960-1970

    • Council Development
      1968 – Changed the constitution. The term of the Board of Directors changed to two years
    • Council Development
      1967 – The CAAHK School Opened
    • Large-scale Events (Performances, Seminars, Others)
      1966 - Performed the ancient plays of Enlightenment of the Goddess of Mercy, "Grand Birthday Celebration at Mount hoeng Faa" and the excerpt plays for the Birthday of Grant Master Hua-guang in the theatre of Lok Sin Tong, Kowloon City. With predecessor Mak Hin drafting the outline of the ancient version of Enlightenment of the Goddess of Mercy, major contributions were made to the restoration of routine plays and ancient performances
      1966 - Performed the ancient plays of Enlightenment of the Goddess of Mercy, "Grand Birthday Celebration at Mount hoeng  Faa" and the excerpt plays for the Birthday of Grant Master Hua-guang in the theatre of Lok Sin Tong, Kowloon City.  With predecessor Mak Hin drafting the outline of the ancient version of Enlightenment of the Goddess of Mercy, major contributions were made to the restoration of routine plays and ancient performances
    • Council Development
      1964 – The old club-house of the Association was transformed into an Elderly Hostel to accommodate members with no relatives
    • Council Development
      1963 – The club house was relocated to 10/F, 96 Argyle Street
      1963 – The club house was relocated to 10/F, 96 Argyle Street
    • Council Development
      1962 - Held the Concert for the Relief of Typhoon Victims following the destruction caused by Typhoon Wanda
      1962 - Held the Concert for the Relief of Typhoon Victims following the destruction caused by Typhoon Wanda
  • 1950-1960

    • Council Development
      1960 - Prepared for Free School and Nurturing Centre for Children of CAAHK
    • Council Development
      1957 – Set up the CAAHK Charitable Western Medicine Clinic
    • Council Development
      1957 – The Association moved to 5/F, 205 Portland Street
    • Council Development
      1953 – The Chinese Artist Association of Hong Kong (CAAHK) was established
      1953 – The Chinese Artist Association of Hong Kong (CAAHK) was established