Conservation and Inheritance

As a well-established organization that represents the Cantonese Opera industry in Hong Kong, Chinese ArtistCAAHK of Hong Kong (CAAHK) is made up of members from professional representatives of various fields in the industry, such as actors, musicians, martial artists, specialists in costumes and scenes etc. In the past, the eligibility for joining the CAAHK was quite rigorous, and only members who relied on Cantonese Opera for earning their living and who had accumulated certain experience and qualifications in the industry could join as members. Meanwhile, their mentorship background was also considered. After accepted by the Board of Directors and formally became members of the CAAHK, all members would be governed by the rules and disciplines of the CAAHK. In case members were invited to perform in places other than Hong Kong, they must obtain a stamped proof of CAAHK as guarantee. With the development of society, the CAAHK has gradually relaxed the restrictions on its members. That said, the value of the CAAHK and its influence on the society has continued to improve. Wide recognition from the Government and society was gained on the CAAHK as a formal organization in representing the local Cantonese Opera industry. With such an invaluable social status, the CAAHK bears significant responsibilities in the preservation and inheritance of the art of Cantonese Opera.

Rescuing Tradition and Art Inheritance

The art of Cantonese Opera is a treasure of Guangdong’s traditional culture. As the representative of the industry that bears the responsibility in protecting Cantonese Opera, the CAAHK must exert its utmost effort to save the traditional performances that are gradually fading with the passage of time. To this end, the CAAHK has launched the Oral History Project in 2008, in which members of the CAAHKBoard of Directors interviewed a number of experienced practitioners (both on stage and behind the scenes) in the field of Cantonese Opera. After compiling the information in book and video discs, the series Oral History of Cantonese Opera Veterans series by CAAHK was published. Since both the interviewers and interviewees were insiders of Cantonese Opera, information in both the history of Cantonese Opera and the stage performance of traditional Cantonese Opera could be cited and referenced in an interactive way. Three volumes have so far been published in this series. In the coming days, the CAAHK plans to interview other experienced practitioners so that their artistic and stage experience can be passed on from generation to generation. Meanwhile, the inheritance of ancient Cantonese Opera relies on the training programmes for young actors and talents. With such a comprehensive approach, the performance and singing skills of ancient Opera, our historical treasure can be passed down. In the past years, the CAAHK has cooperated with the Government in introducing the characteristics of traditional arrangements in Cantonese Opera performances and ritual performances during major celebrations and large-scale performances. Meanwhile, the performance records of actors in Cantonese Opera are also archived as permanent data for future references.

In recent years, courses for young Cantonese Opera performers and the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase have been included in theCAAHK's plan of inheritance, of which have made brilliant achievements in training a new generation of Cantonese Opera actors. Many young Cantonese Opera actors were hired to perform in various professional troupes following their graduation, and the number of fans and supports of the new talents are also on the rise. The CAAHK has also provided many opportunities for trainee actors and new talents to exchange and learn from the major Opera troupes in the Mainland. It is hoped that the new artists can broaden their horizons and will be accepting the strengths of various Opera genres across China, which can in turn enrich the art of Cantonese Opera in the future. However, due to the restrictions in the local situation, it is difficult for theCAAHK to provide constant and comprehensive technical training for all actors. Hence, the actors must rely on their own continuous education and perseverance before becoming outstanding practitioners in the industry.

Organized and performed classic dramas and traditional performance Set Pieces

  • Hong Kong Arts Festival - Prime Minister of Six States
25 – 27 February 2011

    Hong Kong Arts Festival - Prime Minister of Six States 25 – 27 February 2011

  • Guangzhou Arts Festival, Performances at Macau Cultural Centre - Execution of the Duke’s Second Brother
12-13 November 2008, 27-28 June 2009

    Guangzhou Arts Festival, Performances at Macau Cultural Centre - Execution of the Duke’s Second Brother 12-13 November 2008, 27-28 June 2009