Episode 35 Acrobatics: Sau Ha Teaching Materials (手下教材) (1) Setting up the Court (開堂), Yat Kwan Sam Biu (一綑三標), Kap Gwan夾棍 (Pressing Sticks), Da Gwan Tse (Hit with a Big Stick,打棍子), Fa Hoi Mun (花開門), Lor Bin Fa (鑼邊花)、Kei Tung (企洞), Tsat Chui (七槌)

The court trial scenes are unique to Cantonese opera. In this episode, apart from demonstrating Setting up the Court, Yat Kwan Sam Biu, we will also show the judge would then try to force a confession by using severe punishments, such as Kap Gwan (夾棍 Pining on Stick), Da Gwan Tsz(打棍子 Hitting with stick). In the episode, we will also demonstrate the performance styles of "Fa Hoi Mun "and "Lor Bin Fa "as ways of appearance as well as Sheung Cheung styles of "Kei Tung" and "Tsat Chui"