Episode 34 Acrobatics: Nampai (Southern) Style (5) Ngau Chin Kit Bai (Brothers' Vow by Biting onto Arrows咬箭結拜), Gwei Dam Dam (鬼擔擔), Bai Sau (Birthday Felicitation拜壽)

Law Ka-ying and Lung Koon-tin will play the roles of Cheung Zung and Kwong Sui Long respectively and demonstrate "Ngau Chin Kit Bai" (咬箭結拜), one of the ancient Pai coeng. "Gwei Dam Dam" originated from the arrangement of "LoFaDong", a traditional Cantonese opera. When the actor who plays the role of Cheung Fei appears on stage,he will open his arms wide and place his hands on the shoulders of his guards, as if he's holding a shoulder pole. As one of set pieces of traditional Cantonese Opera, "Bai Sau" (Birthday Felicitation) is a must-learn for beginners in Cantonese opera. In this story, the servants and Mui Heung(maid) will felicitate to their master on his birthday.