Episode 18 Singing: Siukuk (小曲) (2)

Siukuk can be categorized into "Gukuk" (古曲)and "Siudiu" (小調). At first, most of the songs were originated from Suzhou and Hangzhou, those songs fertilized the soil for the future blooming blossom of Guangdong composers. In fact, modern Cantonese opera has adopted many western music elements, while also nurtured from the music of different kinds drama . In this episode, we will introduce and demonstrate "Ten-embroidered Sachet" (十繡香囊) in "Summer Snow" (六月雪), "Ling Bor Ling " (凌波令) in "Loksun" (洛神), "Galloping Horse" (走馬) in "Beating the Princess" (打金枝), and "The Little Red Peach" (小桃紅) and "Breaking the Battle Array" (破陣子) in "Surrender" (去國歸降), an excerpt of " The Last Emperor of Southern Tang " (李後主).