Episode 17 Singing: Siukuk (小曲) (1)

Siukuk can be categorized into Gukuk (古曲)and Siudiu (小調). At first, most of the songs were originated from Suzhou and Hangzhou , those songs fertilized the soil for the future blooming blossom of Guangdong composers. In fact, modern Cantonese opera has adopted many western music elements, while also nurtured from the music of different kinds drama. In this episode, we will introduce and demonstrate "Autumn Moon Over the Lake " (平湖秋月) in "The Wandering Dragon Toys with the Phoenix" (游龍戲鳳), "The Barbarian’s Song" (胡地蠻歌) in " The Princess in Distress" (鳳閣恩仇未了情), "Strings of Tears " (絲絲淚) in" Farewell " (送別), an excerpt in "The Sounds of Battle" (雷鳴金鼓戰笳聲), "Autumn Thoughts by the Dressing Table" (妝台秋思) in "The Fragrant Death " (香夭), an excerpt in "Princess Changping" (帝女花). We will also demonstrate "Scolding My Sweetheart" (罵玉郎) in "Guhong" (古腔).