Legend of the White Snake

While the Chinese Artist Association of Hong Kong (CAAHK) and Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe collaborated during the "Shanghai Arts Festival", young actors from Shanghai and Hong Kong performed "The Legend of the White Snake", in which young actors from Hong Kong performed the 3 excerpts of "Frightful Incident", "Stealing the Magic Herbs" and "On Broken Bridge". The synopsis of the excerpts are as follows:

"Frightful Incident" - Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen lived peacefully by the West Lake. The romantic couple looked after the ill and generously gave them free medicines. Their lives were peaceful and well. Zen Master Fahai of Jinshan Temple, after knowing that Suzhen was the incarnation of a snake demon, instigated Xu Xian to use realgar wine to make Suzhen show her original form as a snake. Sadly, Xu Xian was frightened to death.

"Stealing the Magic Herbs" - In order to save Xu Xian, her husband, Suzhen risked her life stealing the magic herbs of Lingzhi. After fighting against Hetong (Crane Elves) and Lutong (Deer Elves), she finally got the magic herbs from Nanji Xianweng (Old Man of the South Pole) and saved her husband.

"On Broken Bridge" - After the flood in the Jinshan Mountains, Suzhen and Xiaoqing walked down the broken bridge and met Xu Xian. After a long explanation and gaining mutual understanding, the couple finally let bygones be bygones.

Features of the Programme

The several excerpts performed in this round of collaboration embodied the characteristics of Cantonese opera as a specialized genre in the Guangdong region. In fact, the art of Cantonese opera is the carrier of Lingnan culture that fully expresses the characteristics of the culture as being flexible and inclusive. In order to form a unique performance style of itself, Cantonese opera has continuously integrated the essences of various types of opera and local music throughout its entire process of development.

In terms of music, Guangdong music, Xiaoqu (folk tunes), and even Guangdong rap, such as: Nanyin, Muyu, Dragon Boat, Yueju, etc. were also added on top of the general Banqiang Style (Banghuang, Dadiao and Xiaodiao, Paizi, etc.). In addition, big gongs and drums are the most distinctive feature of Cantonese opera. The unique gongs and high-side gongs of Cantonese opera are great instruments at creating the atmosphere in different scenes. Ms. Pei Yanling, famous Peking opera actor, highly recommends the gongs and drums of Cantonese opera. She pointed out that Guangdong gongs and drums have boosted the powerful energy at the actors' appearance on stage. In addition to the unique big gongs and drums, Beijing gongs and drums have also been introduced to Cantonese opera in order to enrich the percussion part. Apart from all the Chinese musical instruments, Western musical instruments such as violin, saxophone, etc., have also been used in Cantonese opera as needed. The fusion of East and West has certainly enriched the diversity of Cantonese opera music.

The flexibility of Cantonese opera music can also be shown in singing. In particular, "special tunes" have been specifically designed to fit the individual plots in Cantonese opera, such as Guizi (Reprimanding the Son) tune (the exclusive tune of Yang Liulang in "Luk-long Reprimands His Son"). In fact, many famous Cantonese opera actors also created their own personal singing styles according to their own deductive characteristics. Hence, the "special tunes" have formed lively and diverse genres. In the Huadan's (female role) singing part during this performance of "On Broken Bridge", the transition from Fanxian Erhuang in the Erhuang system to Fanxian Zhongban in the Bangzi System has fully demonstrated the flexibility and diversity of Cantonese opera music.

Apart from the pre-defined movement, hand gestures and styles, Cantonese opera has a strong flexibility when reproducing the content of the story, in which the interpretation is often more lively and life-oriented. In the performance of "Frightful Incident", the scenes of the little couple's daily conversation have shown the more life-oriented interpretation of Cantonese opera.

  • Date of Performance

    20-22 August 2021

  • List of Performers

    Ms. Kali Lam, Mr. Zhan Haofeng (20-21 August), Mr. Ruan Dewen, Ms. Leung Fei-tung, Ms. So Premium Ojee, Mr. Kwong Shing-kwan, Mr. Chung Yat-ming, Ms. Leung Sum-yee

  • Venues of Performance

    Guangdong Arts Theatre (20-21 August)
    Shunde Ronggui Cultural Center (22 August)

  • Time of Performance

    8:00pm and 2:30pm (Guangdong Arts Theatre)
    8:00pm (Shunde Ronggui Cultural Center)

  • Artistic Director

    Mr. Sun Kim-long

  • 廣東藝術劇院(8月20至21日)\ 順德容桂文化藝術中心(8月22日)